Key Stage 3
Key Stage 3is all about delivering a broad and balanced curriculum which will be clearly mapped to the National Curriculum. Year 7 and 8 will provide a clear transition into a secondary model of specialist teachers. We believe that the essential workaround attachment and relationships within Years 7 and 8 will enable pupils to approach Year 9 and the start of their accredited learning with positivity. Year 9 will have a focus of transitioning into examinations where students have the opportunity to sit their Functional Skills in English, Maths and Entry Levels in Science.
Pupils are taught throughout the week in individual lessons for English, Maths, Science, PE, Cooking, Forest School, Humanities, PSHE, Art and Personal Development.
Pupils are taught through engaging termly learning themes.
Current Qualifications:
- Pearson Entry Level Maths
- Pearson Functional Skills Maths
- Pearson Entry Level English
- Pearson Functional Skills English
- WJEC Art
- WJEC Humanities
- Kings Trust Achieve
- Wild Passport