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Venture Academy

MacIntyre Academies

Useful Information for Parents/Carers

Our School Day

Our school day runs from 9am until 3pm Monday to Thursday. On a Friday the pupils finish at 1:30pm.

Please see the table below for the structure of the school day:

School Uniform

All new starters to the school will receive one polo shirt and sweatshirt/cardigan free of charge. If you would like to purchase more items you can do so via ParentPay or the school office. 

We are aware of the complex needs of our pupils and can be flexible with uniform i.e. for pupils with sensory needs who don't like collars they can wear a t-shirt or we can provide items without the logo. Please talk to us and we will do our best to accommodate where possible.

If families are experiencing financial difficulties please talk to either the school office, the Family Footings Facilitator or any other member of staff to see if we can help with school uniform, especially if your child is eligible for pupil premium.

Our uniform consists of:-

For pupils in years 5 to 10:

  • School sweatshirt / cardigan in grey with the school logo.
  • Dark grey school shorts, trousers or skirt.
  • Purple polo shirt with school logo.
  • Black school shoes or plain black trainers (that can be polished) 
  • Purple fleece with school logo (not compulsory)

Year 11 Pupils:

  • Grey polo shirt with school logo
  • Black sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo
  • Dark grey shorts, trousers or skirt 
  • Black shoes or plain black trainers that can be polished
  • Black or Purple fleece with school logo (not compulsory)

PE Kit (all year groups)

  • Black jogging bottoms or shorts
  • White T Shirt
  • Trainers
  • Wellington Boots for Forest School sessions

School Dinners

Venture Academy offers a selection of fresh, healthy meals for pupils. We offer a selection of hot and cold meal choices and a dessert. There is a 3 weekly menu (see below) which changes termly. Pupils are able to bring in a packed lunch if they would prefer (no nuts or fizzy drinks please).

Dinners cost £3.85 a day (£19.25 a week). We are a 'cashless school' so dinners can be paid for using our online payment system - ParentPay


Transport to school

Daily transport to school can be arranged through Warwickshire County Council. Pupils aged 16 and under are eligible for free school transport if:

  • They live in Warwickshire
  • Are in year 11 or below
  • Have a place at their nearest qualifying school unless stated by SEND Assessment and Review (SENDAR)

For those who do not meet the criteria you may be offered Direct Payments.

To apply for transport click  here

Medication in School

If your child needs to take medication during the school day we ask that you complete a 'Medication Consent Form'.

A copy of the care Medication Consent Form is below.

If anything changes with regards to your child's medication then we need to complete a Medication Consent Form each time there is a change to ensure we have the most accurate information.

Please note that there are strict guidelines provided by the Warwickshire School Health and Well-being Service about having medication in school.

Please also let us know if your child has allergies as soon as you are aware.