Who Should I Talk To?
We are proud of the ethos in our school, and we are continually aiming to nurture and develop good relationships with families. If you have any queries or concerns, and you are unsure who to talk to, the following may help:
Class Teacher
The class teacher should be the first person you contact if you have any queries or concerns about your pupil.
Prospective Parents/Carers
If you are a prospective parent then Emma Day can help - emma.day@macintyreacademies.org
For any safeguarding concerns contact Rachel Atkins - rachel.atkins@macintyreacademies.org
School Dinners and Uniform (ParentPay)
Conact Jackie Storey in the office for any queries about school dinners, school uniform or ParentPay
Contact Kirsty Caudell, Compassionate School Coach for any queries you have about therapies that we offer - kirsty.caudell@macintyreacademies.org
Curriculum, Teaching and Learning
You can speak to either Layla Shepherd layla.shepherd@macintyreacademies.org or Shelley Molloy, shelley.molloy@macintyreacademies.org if you have any questions about our curriculum offer
For queries about careers contact John Anderson at john.anderson@macintyreacademies.org