I have worked in the education sector for over 17 years, working at inner city mainstream schools, International private schools, pupil referral units and SEN schools. In this time, I have found that I have a natural affinity with students whose behaviour has shown challenge and have therefore struggled with education in a mainstream setting.
In a role at a previous school, I was given the opportunity to become a restorative practitioner, this course and subsequent others have driven me to believe that all schools should operate restoratively, and I have seen first-hand the impact this can have on the individual child and wider school community.
At Venture Academy we strive to take a restorative approach an all aspects of our provision. We believe it is imperative that all students feel valued, listened to and understood. We ensure this is the case by having regular restorative meetings where students' individual needs are discussed, and they feel that they have a degree of autonomy over their educational journey.
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